
Ancient historians state that the Slavs believed in a uniform God. The name of the God was not available for them, maybe because it was too sacred to say it. Slavs did not construct shrines dedicated to Him because humans could not connect with Him in the first place. However they could connect to the other gods of the Slavic Pantheon.

During medieval ages Slavs continued to remember their uniform God. "Among diverse deities to which they [Slavs] devote fields, woods, sorrows and pleasures they recognise also uniform god" - says an unknown German author from the year 1156.

An uniform God was The Creator of the world. To create a world He has broken up himself to many parts, and all parts has turned out in our reality. So we may even think that everthing in the world, including the other gods and people are the part of The Creator.

One of the most important features of the created world was justice. That is why the Slavic society demanded to restore whatever justice that was broken.

If the villain committed an aweful and irreparable crime, the socity enforced a symbolic repetition of the worlds creation. Repeating the world creating act was the only way to restore justice in a society if the crime was atrocious. In order to do this, each end of the offenders body was tied to some horses. When they pulled forward, the criminals body was torn apart.

Thanks to the well-founded historical hypothesis of the 20th century, it turns out the name of the uniform God is Rod.

Even after the Christianisation of the Slavs, they continued to celebrate the Day of Rod, which is on September 8th.

B. Rybakov. The Ancient Slavic Paganism. 1984.
A. Afanasyev. About the Meaning of Rod and Rojanicy. 1869.