The quintheism in East Slavic paganism

The quintheism means that there are five important specific gods definitely connected among themselves. Many Indo-European peoples had quintheism in their pagan religions. In Hinduism there are five connected gods and this phenomenon is called Panchadevatta. The Celts also had five importants gods.

The unique detailed description of an East Slavic pagan sanctuary in Primary Chronicle informs us that in the sanctuary there were five statues of gods.

The Slavic pagan quintheism contains:
Dajdbog (also may be called Hors)

The gods may be classified by the place in nature.
Nature (the world) was divided into three levels: the top world (sky), the middle world (air, an earth surface), the bottom world (the earth and a vault). Perun is a god with cosmic features so he is out of these levels. Dajdbog is connected with the Sun, he is on the top level. Stribog is connected with winds, so he is in the air. In spite of the fact that Yarilo is connected with the Sun too, he gives life to plants and energy to people, so he is on the middle level. Makosh is connected with Earth.

Л. Прозоров. Боги и касты языческой Руси. Тайны Киевского Пятибожия.